New York

Music and Social Change with Academy for Teachers Fellows Bettina Bricceti, Tracy Garrison-Feinberg, and Martin Urbach

Music reflects our history and can inspire change. Three experienced teachers show how the use of music across the humanities and social sciences helps students understand the past, appreciate our differences, and respond to the world around them. After these presentations, participants will gather in small groups for further sharing and brainstorming with other brilliant

Music and Social Change with Academy for Teachers Fellows Bettina Bricceti, Tracy Garrison-Feinberg, and Martin Urbach Read More »

Using the Pandemic to Teach Science with Academy for Teachers Fellows Michael Becker, Felicia Giunta, and Tracy LaGrassa (Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 4:00-5:15 p.m. EDT)

From the science of predicting pandemics to pandemic research models to vaccine equity issues, three brilliant teachers show how our current crisis can bring science to life. Following these presentations, participants will meet in small groups for sharing and brainstorming with other smart teachers. Join us!  CTLE-credit is available. This program is free for public

Using the Pandemic to Teach Science with Academy for Teachers Fellows Michael Becker, Felicia Giunta, and Tracy LaGrassa (Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 4:00-5:15 p.m. EDT) Read More »

Early Intervention in NYC: Supporting Infants & Toddlers in their Communities / Intervención Temprana en NYC: Apoyando a Bebés y Niñit@s en sus Comunidades

This presentation provides a thorough overview of Early Intervention services (ages Birth to 3) in New York City—how it’s designed, what to expect, how to access it, understanding evaluations and eligibility, and how individualized family service plans (IFSP) are developed. Families will also be equipped and empowered with strategies to advocate for and create meaningful

Early Intervention in NYC: Supporting Infants & Toddlers in their Communities / Intervención Temprana en NYC: Apoyando a Bebés y Niñit@s en sus Comunidades Read More »

Educación Especial en las Escuelas Charter: Entienda sus Derechos

Las escuelas charter son alternativas a las escuelas del distrito, pero existe mucha confusión sobre la comprensión de las diferencias claves, especialmente para los estudiantes con discapacidades, en la responsabilidad y sus derechos según la ley. En cuanto las escuelas regresan a las clases presenciales y comenzamos a evaluar la posible pérdida de aprendizaje, queremos

Educación Especial en las Escuelas Charter: Entienda sus Derechos Read More »

Special Education in Charter Schools: Understand Your Rights. Educación Especial en las Escuelas Charter: Entienda sus Derechos

Charter schools are alternatives to district schools, but much confusion exists around understanding the key differences, especially for students with disabilities, when it comes to accountability and your rights under the law. As schools return to in-person classes and we begin to assess possible learning loss, we want you to feel greater comfort navigating special

Special Education in Charter Schools: Understand Your Rights. Educación Especial en las Escuelas Charter: Entienda sus Derechos Read More »

Sinergia & OPWDD: We’re Here for YOU! / ¡Estamos Aquí para TI! / 我们在这里为您服务!

Sinergia is a multiservice agency assisting New Yorkers with disabilities and their families over the last 40 years. As parents of children with a disability, we can feel overwhelmed by the challenging process leading to accessing services. Furthermore, we might not know where to start. Sinergia: We’re Here for YOU! provides a general overview of

Sinergia & OPWDD: We’re Here for YOU! / ¡Estamos Aquí para TI! / 我们在这里为您服务! Read More »

Braided Pathways Fund Webinar hosted by Here to Here

HERE to HERE is pleased to host a Braided Pathways Fund webinar on Tuesday, July 13, 3-4 PM ET, to share information about our recently released Request for Proposals and answer any questions you may have about the application process. -Access the RFP here: Please complete this registration form and pre-submit your questions so

Braided Pathways Fund Webinar hosted by Here to Here Read More »

Gather: Film Screening and Q&A with White Mountain Apache Chef Nephi Craig

Gather is an intimate look at the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political, and cultural identities through food sovereignty, while battling the trauma of centuries of genocide. Gather, by acclaimed director Sanjay Rawl, follows Nephi Craig, a chef from the White Mountain Apache Nation (Arizona), opening an indigenous café as a

Gather: Film Screening and Q&A with White Mountain Apache Chef Nephi Craig Read More »

Virtual Educator Workshop | “We Are One”: Women’s Labor Activism in New York City

Join the Museum of the City of New York for this free virtual workshop exploring the history and legacy of women’s labor activism in New York City. Since the early 20th century, New York City women have played a pivotal role in advocating for a fair and safe workplace, pushing for living wages, better working conditions, and benefits that support families. From

Virtual Educator Workshop | “We Are One”: Women’s Labor Activism in New York City Read More »

Virtual Educator Workshop | City as Canvas: Graffiti Art in New York City

Bring a pencil and your artistic eye as we explore the history of this dynamic and homegrown artistic movement and meet the NYC “writers” who made graffiti into a worldwide phenomenon. Facilitated by Museum of the City of New York educators, participants in this virtual workshop will explore artists’ blackbook sketches, photographs of large-scale pieces,

Virtual Educator Workshop | City as Canvas: Graffiti Art in New York City Read More »

Sexuality & Sex Ed: An Active Conversation/Sexualidad y Educación Sexual: Una Conversación Activa

Everyone has the same need to love and be loved. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders develop biologically and emotionally similar to neurotypical children of the same age. Parents are the first social-sexual educators. This is a continuation of the discussion from our “Sexuality & Sex Ed: What Every Parent Needs to Know” workshop (available on our Facebook and YouTube pages) where we learned how to

Sexuality & Sex Ed: An Active Conversation/Sexualidad y Educación Sexual: Una Conversación Activa Read More »

Empezando la Conversación: Hablando con Su Hij@ Sobre la Sexualidad

Hablando con jóvenes e hij@s mayores sobre la sexualidad puede ser una labor difícil.  Como padres y tutores, muchas veces nos preocupamos pensando si hablando sobre el tema da permiso y también si ell@s pueden estar seguros lejos de peligro cuando estén en relaciones. Este taller le ayudará ser más comod@ platicando sobre este tema y

Empezando la Conversación: Hablando con Su Hij@ Sobre la Sexualidad Read More »

Starting the Conversation: Talking to Your Child About Sexuality

Talking with our young and grown children about sexuality can be a difficult task. As parents and guardians, we often worry whether talking about it gives permission and whether they can be safe from harm when they are in relationships. This workshop will help you become more comfortable discussing this topic by covering what topics to cover when and the most effective ways to talk about

Starting the Conversation: Talking to Your Child About Sexuality Read More »


“SMÍSH GEMÍSH is Sarah Myerson (SM), a Yiddish dancer and an ordained cantor, and Ilya Shneyveys (ÍSH), a klezmer multi-instrumentalist. They put the ear in learning, the now in knowledge, and the oy in joy. Children of all ages and heritages are invited to join the Museum for a family program with SMÍSH as they


Special Education Town Hall with NY State Senators Shelley Mayer and John Liu

With INCLUDEnyc, New York State Senators John Liu and Shelley Mayer will discuss: Current status of students with disabilities in NYC and NYS. What special education will look like this summer and fall. When students will receive missed related services and specialized instruction. Educational rights of students and their families. And how additional funds from

Special Education Town Hall with NY State Senators Shelley Mayer and John Liu Read More »

Remote Teacher Workshop: Activism and Intersectionality in the 1960s and 1970s

Discover individuals and groups of women who pushed back against sexism and created space for women within various grassroots movements of the 1960s and 1970s. This workshop features a talk by Mary Phillips, CUNY Lehman College Professor of African and African American Studies, co-creator of the Intersectional Black Panther Party History Project, and author of

Remote Teacher Workshop: Activism and Intersectionality in the 1960s and 1970s Read More »

Oy Vey! Klezmer for Kids!

“Sruli and Lisa’s Family Band features internationally known Klezmer personalities Sruli Dresdner and Lisa Mayer, their son Zach Mayer, and 12-year-old twins Johnny and Charlie. The family plays violin, accordion, clarinet, percussion, saxophone, and a bunch of wackier instruments—and they sing and dance and tell Jewish jokes. Join the Museum for “Oy Vey! Klezmer for

Oy Vey! Klezmer for Kids! Read More »